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08-Jan-2022 Why Does Water Make Me Nauseous
Health & Beauty
Why Does Water Make Me Nauseous

Despite the fact that water is an essential component of good health, sipping a glass of water might make you feel sick at times. According to the World Health Organization, humans require an average of eight glasses of water every day to avoid dehydration. When it comes to staying hydrated and being healthy, there is no alternative for water.

Getting enough water is vital for good health. The fact is, you aren't drinking enough water if it makes you nauseated. But why does water make you sick?

Why would something so essential to your well-being have such a negligible effect on your physical well-being? Despite the fact that this isn't a common response to drinking water, it's nonetheless very prevalent. People who have such problems with their drinking water are likely to be concerned and ask what the problem is. Drinking water can cause nausea for a variety of reasons.

Nausea after drinking water can be caused by a variety of different circumstances. It's possible that your water is tainted with germs or parasites, or that you're simply dehydrated. Extreme dehydration can make your body feel ill. Some anticholinergic medications might cause nausea. We'll discuss why you feel nauseated after drinking water.

The Most Common Causes of Nausea When Consuming Water

Many things can cause you to feel ill after drinking your customary glass of water. Drinking a glass of water may make you feel nauseated if you have a medical condition. For example, after drinking water, you may experience hyperventilation syndrome, which can leave you dizzy and sick to your stomach. Let's take a closer look at each of these factors:

1. Water Contaminated

If you drink water that has been tainted with bacteria or parasites, you may get sick. If you drink the water, you can get a sour taste in your mouth or notice a strange odor.

Regular tap water isn't always the best choice when it comes to drinking water. This does not necessarily guarantee that the water you drink is safe, even if it is regulated by the EPA. It's also possible that the pollutants in your tap water are making you sick; therefore it's worth looking into obtaining a home water filter.

2. Dehydration

In the same way that a lack of food can cause unpleasant sensations in your body, a lack of water will do the same. Feeling dizzy or lightheaded, having dry lips or a dry mouth are all symptoms of dehydration.

You can tell if you're dehydrated by looking at the color of your pee. Dark yellow and strong-smelling urine is a sign that you need to up your hydration levels. In order to survive, your body requires a constant supply of water.

3. Interactions of Drugs

Some prescription medicines can make you sick if you take them with water. Anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl and Hydroxyzine can make you throw up when they're mixed with water. There are also drugs for high blood pressure, heart disease, and sleep problems that can make you more likely to have a heart attack or stroke.

4. Excessive Speedy Consumption

It's impossible for your body to get enough water in when you drink it too rapidly. As a result, water travels from your mouth to your stomach via the esophagus. Many people experience nausea after drinking cold water because it creates throat irritation when you try to digest it.

5. Stomach is Loaded

Your stomach may be unable to handle additional food if you've recently had a substantial meal or snack. Because water and food don't mix well, drinking water while eating can induce pain.

6. Taste and Smell

There's no point in drinking the water if it smells unpleasant or tastes bad to you. It's best to avoid drinking water that has a poor smell or flavor because it could make you ill if you do.

7. Dehydration and Thirstiness

Your body is attempting to tell you something when it makes you thirsty! When the body is mildly to moderately dehydrated, it experiences thirst. Try to drink a lot of water whether you're feeling thirsty before it gets to the point where you feel nauseated.

8. Pesticides

A common pesticide, chlorpyrifos, can cause nausea, headaches, and dizziness in low doses. Evidently, agriculture is one of the biggest sources of water contamination. Pesticide levels in your water are affected by a variety of factors, including the source of your water and the extent to which unethical farming practices are practiced in your area.


9. Alcohol

When drinking excessively at a party or after work, nausea can set in if your body isn’t accustomed to being so active while dehydrated. The combination of alcohol and dehydration can cause all sorts of problems, including nausea.

10. Too Much Water

Normal hydration doesn't necessitate sipping water all day. Many people drink excessive amounts of water, believing that more is always better. Too much water might induce nausea and other adverse effects.

11. Allergies

For people who have allergies or a congested nose, drinking water can irritate the throat, resulting in a tightening of the mucus membranes in the back of your throat. An uncontrollable coughing fit may also occur as a result.

12. Other Health Issues

If you experience nausea after drinking water for more than a day, you should see your doctor to rule out dehydration. Another possibility is that your digestive system is underperforming. Irritable intestinal syndrome and stomach cancer or ulcers have been associated in recent research to nausea and vomiting.

How Do I Stop Feeling Sick After Drinking Water?

The following are significant guidelines to follow in order to avoid feeling unwell after drinking water:

1. If you're feeling a bit down, drink small amounts more frequently than you would when you're well. It's also a good idea to check the quality of your water.

2. Try sipping water instead of gulping it down if you're suffering nausea. This is expected to have a positive impact on the symptoms.

3. Drinking water with meals or too soon after a meal is not recommended.

4. Avoid forcing yourself to drink more until your stomach seems to have had a chance to digest what you've already eaten.

5. Drinking water should not be done while smoking, especially if you smoke cigarettes or are exposed to secondhand smoke. Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke can make you feel sick if you inhale them through your nose or mouth, according to the American Lung Association. You should avoid drinking water if it smells or tastes terrible. It's possible that it's tainted with bacteria that can make you sick if eaten.

6. Drink plenty of water throughout the day if you have thyroid problems, diabetes, or other disorders affecting your endocrine system to avoid dehydration. Additionally, if you are a female and are menstrual, you may have increased thirst that is difficult to satiate. It's critical for women who are on their period to remember to drink plenty of water during their period.

7. Check for symptoms that your water is polluted with bacteria or other contaminants if you feel nauseated after drinking a glass of water. Be sure to cook it beforehand if this applies.

8. Look around to check if there's anything making you sick, including allergens in the air, strong cooking odours, or smoke.

9. it’s possible that drinking water can cause nausea in people who have stomach cancers, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome or intestinal infections. Your stomach lining is most likely causing the irritation and inflammation that is causing your symptoms. There are medications available to help reduce inflammation and protect the lining of your stomach from further damage.

10. Don't drink water too quickly because it can lead to water intoxication and dehydration. You could experience headaches, vomiting, confusion, and convulsions if you drink too much water at one time.

11. Try to avoid drinking much water on an empty stomach. You may feel nauseous or experience gastrointestinal problems if you drink water on an empty stomach.

12. If you are vomiting, try not to force yourself to drink anything else until your nausea subsides. After your stomach has a chance to digest the food you have eaten, drinking more fluids won’t make you feel sick again because your food was digested before you drank another liquid.

13. If your nausea is accompanied by stomach cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea, try drinking a carbonated beverage. Carbonation may help relieve nausea and pain that come with these symptoms.

Final Thoughts

There are many reasons why water makes a person feel sick. If you drink too much water too fast, your body needs time to absorb the liquid. As a result, you may feel nauseous and dizzy. If the nausea is not stopped, your body can experience water intoxication which puts you at risk for symptoms like confusion, extreme fatigue, convulsions, and even death

When your body isn’t used to drinking water regularly, you may experience nausea and other symptoms when you’ve had too much water. The best way to avoid these side effects is to drink water slowly throughout the day instead of drinking much water at once. Drinking water before eating will also help prevent nausea. By avoiding coffee, soda, or other caffeinated beverages while hydrating you’ll be able to maximize your results from drinking more water a day.


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